Sunday, March 8, 2009

Just for Fun!

What are they going to hatch?

Oh, well it looks they hatched!

Princess of the desert, Bailey!

Sam, looking way too relaxed up there!

And last but not least the fashion poster girl of the week, Bailey in bedroom slippers. Her Auntie Holly gave them to her and she likes to wear them everywhere! Yes, she wore them around town and had to bring that fantastic purse too! I think the thing I dislike the most is the sound those shoes make. She likes to stop and pose with those on too! Lovely!

I hope you're having a good weekend.


All the pictures except the last one we're taken at the Phoenix Zoo.


Wendy said...

Cute pictures!

I can't stand the noise that the dress-up shoes make, either. They're much better on carpet...

Heather said...

I would have to agree on the shoes. Try them in Target! That was fun!